Thursday, March 15, 2007

Happy Birthday Logan!

3 years ago today at this very moment I was at the hospital getting prepared for a scheduled C-Section. Mommy and Daddy very so excited to meet you. I was little scared about the delivery because your wonderful big brother had such a scary and traumatic delivery, but it all went well. About 4 weeks before mommy had you, I had an ultrasound. They told me that you were already 8lbs and that at birth you were going to be around 10lbs. Well, in typical Logan fashion, you proved them wrong. My beautiful little boy came out weighing in at 7lbs 3oz's!! You were a great contented baby. You nursed very well and slept good as well. After 2 nights in the hospital mommy couldn't wait to take you home. So I begged the doctors to let me out early and they agreed provided I took it easy when I got home. Well, I did sort of, but you were such a good baby that I had lots of time to get things done. I think back now, and I can't really recall a night or day that you cried more than 5 minutes. Your big brother was so proud! He was very good with you and loved to kiss and cuddle you. Did I mention that he picked your name because it was the super hero Wolverine's real name? He was so excited to pick your name!

I look back at the last 3 years and wonder where the time went. You have brought so much joy to our lives. You're little temper and very determined personality reminds us all of mommy. Maybe that's why I have a hard time getting mad at you. You sure know what you want and I have no doubt in my mind that you are going to achieve alot. Your sense of humour and the way you always laugh was graciously given to you by Daddy! Some of the things you say just make me shake my head, laugh, and say to myself "you are daddy's boy".

Today we are having your birthday party at Crash Crawly's. You are so excited that you are having a birthday! Jo-Jo got you a Nintendo DS ( and no, I can't believe that I'm letting my 3 year old have one) and I know you are going to be ecstatic when you see it!

You really made the true of the terrible 2's term but you also showed mommy and daddy what fun 2 can really be. While you were getting into all the trouble that you get into, mommy and daddy were secretly laughing. You know when we'd turn around and walk away after you did something wrong? Well...that's only because we didn't want you to see us laughing at you. You were not getting away with it, because we'd generally regroup, then come speak to you. You and your brother are the light of you dad and I's lives. We can't imagine what life would be like without you. Everyday we are thankful for having you two. I can't wait to see what fun and excitement the next year is going to bring us.

Happy Birthday baby! I love you very much,


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Logan. Everyone here hopes your day is special and really hope to see you soon! We have a little something for ya next time we see you!

Love Auntie Tara, Dave, ryan & Shane


CrunchyCon said...

Very sweet!

AK Alter Ego said...

Very sweet!! Happy belated birthday Logan (and Mommy).