Tuesday, February 13, 2007

What a birhday present!!

This is my birthday present from my wonderful husband. Yes, the car I've been eyeing for over a year now. 2006 Nissan Altima with only 28,000 km's on it. I guess Dean was trying to top the Disneyland trip for my last birthday. Yes, I'd say he succeeded!! Thanks honey! I love it!

Friday was a quiet, mommy and Logan day. We went shopping, read books and played. That night Uncle Chad took Jordan for a sleepover. They of course, played PS2 until way to late, but Jordan had a great time. Saturday night, Uncle Chad took Dean and I out for dinner. We just went to this little pub, watched the hockey game and had some appies! Then we went over to his place to play cards. We had fun!

Sunday was a double header and we won both games! Surprise, surprise!! That afternoon the kids wanted to go for a drive in the new car, so we did, and then relaxed the rest of the day.

For the wonderful ladies who I am going on a road trip with this summer, never fear. This car has lots of room, and VERY comfortable. We can still take it on the trip!!!

Oh yeah....I'm no longer a soccer mom!!!!

1 comment:

Jules said...

Very nice! Is your dh interested in gift-giving lessons?