Friday, January 26, 2007

I think that I'm ready....

to finally start blogging. What my goal is going to be is to keep this updated at least once a week, and somehow try to figure out how to create different "sections". You all should know that I'm not very good at this stuff, but hopefully by the end of 2007 I'll be a pro!!. Anyways...I guess I'll just try and jump right in now!

This has been a crazy week. Monday Jordan was sick and didn't go to school. We know Jordan's sick when he won't eat. It lasted almost 24 hours and once that was gone, the sign of a cold started coming. So I guess we'll have a couple of weeks of that to look forward to. Hopefully he gets better soon!

Yesterday was an absolutely crazy day. I left for work at 6am. Left work at 2pm, picked Jordan up at 2:45, came home for 10 minutes to get us both changed and headed to Richmond for guitar lesson. From Richmond it was straight to soccer practice. After that, I went home for 5 minutes (long enough to pour a cup of coffee) and headed to our montly PAC meeting at Jordan's school. I finally arrived back home at 9:15pm, dog tired, and very thankful to my dad for taping Gray's Anatomy (I forgot to tell Dean to record it). Oh well, guess it's all part of being a working mom. I can't wait until I go back to 3 days a week.

Logan's been a good boy all week. We have really started potty training him, and although we have to keep asking him, he will go. Often it takes me offering to race him to the bathroom to get him to go, but hey, whatever works!!

Renovations are moving along nicely. The electrians finished their work yesterday and the furnace is coming on Monday. I can't wait to have central a/c this summer! I'll probably never leave the house!!

Dean and I have a ball tournament this weekend, and Saturday mommy has a girls night sleep over with Peggy, Shannon, Kelly and Emese. I'm really looking forward to spending time with the girls that I spent alot of my "single" days with. I just wish that Marly could be there. I miss her tons!!

Anyways...that's all for now, I'll update more after the weekend.

P.S. Tara...aren't you proud of me??

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm very proud of you. I love keeping up to date on everyone on their blogs. I really like your layout! Great Choice!

Talk to you soon!