Wow! What an amazing 17 days that was! It was one thing getting all excited to host the games, but to actually be right in the middle of it all, was, well....AMAZING! I experienced it from 2 point of views. The first as a woman hanging out in Yaletown (actually we covered Science World, Plaza of Nations, Yaletown and all the way down to Waterfront) enjoying a beer, people watching and taking in the excitement of Canada winning another Gold medal! Truly breathtaking!
The second was as a mommy. I took the boys downtown last Friday. Not the best day weather wise, infact quite crappy in the afternoon, but I thought that time was ticking and I'd better get them down to see this one in a lifetime event. Of course, as soon as we got off the skytrain, Logan was asking when we were going home. Not the child that likes many outings. He's the one who's quite content to stay at home. He definitely doesn't enjoy our rainy B.C Winters. But we did alot of walking and took in a few buildings, had some lunch and headed home. I'm hoping to get them down to Robson Square while the Paralympics are on.