Anyways, the cast is gone, and from what we can see we are very pleased once again with the results. Jordan is happy to, and I think in some way is proud of his "shark bite scars". When he had his first surgery he told everyone that he broke his arm trying to jump off the Space Needle. This time the story was that he got bit by a shark in Hawaii. Hey! It gets boring explaining to people over and over that you had surgery. We will see in the next few months what Jordan is now going to be able to do. I'm going to get him back into swimming lessons. I think it's great for his core and he's got alot of potential to do good at it. Barb his principal at school gave him a bunch of swim passes, so now we are going to use them everyday this month. Ease him back into it. I told him that we will do 30-45 minutes of real swimming then the same amount of time of "fun" swimming. He's such a fish and just loves the water.
Dean and I took the boys to Crescent Beach on Monday. They had a blast. Jordan was right in there and you couldn't get him out. Logan eventually got used to it, but stayed close to shore which was just fine with me.

I'll update more later, because there is more to say, but I just don't have time right now.